Friday, March 20, 2009

Creating Sunburst Graphics in Photoshop

We have all seen it somewhere. That graphic favorite of many designers out there, the sunburst. I’ve seen it on everything from magazine covers to energy drinks. So, how do they create this look?

Learn how here.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Using Layer Masks In Photoshop

Learn how to create images like this using Layer Masks in Photoshop.

Check it out here.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Using Layers In Photoshop

Great tutorial/how to on using "Layers" in Photoshop. Simple step by step on the basics.

Check it out here.

Friday, January 9, 2009

What Would You Like To See?

Ok. It is the end of the week and I, for one, am glad. Maybe it is because of all the holidays and the time off but this first full week back has seemed extra long. Anyway, I am starting to plan my posts for next week, tutorials and such, but would like your help.

So tell me… what would you like to see? For example, is there a photoshop tutorial or a ”how to” you want posted?

Tell Us Here.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

29 Creepy & Creative Photoshopped Self Portraits

Check out some of the creepiest Self Portraits I have ever seen.

Check'em Out

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Creating Your Own Photoshop Brushes

Ever want to turn your friends into photoshop brushes. Maybe create a cool background or graphic that can be used over and over again without a lot of work. Well, this and more can all be done in photoshop by defining a brush.

Learn How Here.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Brushes, Tutorials and Photos: Meet Some Of My Friends

I would like to invite you all to meet some of my friends. See their photoshop brush downloads... See their tutorials... even see their projects.

Visit Here

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Years Resolutions…2009

New Years Resolutions…2009
Ok. New Years has come and gone and like every year I make my resolutions. A small list of things that I feel will help me improve myself, my career or my life in some fashion. This year I have ended on 3 main resolutions that I feel will help me as a creative and a professional. So here they are:
  1. To do at least one photoshop tutorial to post here every month. You may be wondering how this is a resolution that helps me. Well, every time I do a tutorial I have to be sure I really know what I am doing. Which means to keep tutorials interesting for viewers, I will have to learn interesting topics and be able to teach them to others. Making this resolution a push for myself to learn more about photoshop.

  2. To improve my understanding of web design and development. I know CSS and HTML, but I am lacking when it comes to PHP and Java script. I feel that learning how these parts of programming work, I will be able to better serve my clients as well as open new doors to my career.

  3. Lastly, I am making a resolution to get more involved in my local art community. There are always great art shows and gallery openings going on in and around the area where I live. There are also a lot of very talented artists that I could be learning a lot from, but for whatever reason I have not made this as big a priority as I used to and I now feel it is time to get myself back involved.

Well, there you have it. My resolutions for this year. Hope everyone has a great 2009.

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Friday, January 2, 2009

Planet Design Contest

New Planet Design Contest.
Great Challenges… Great Tutorials… Great Prizes!

Learn More Here.